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Talking About Money is Healthy

To kick off this series, let's talk about financial health. Specifically, we'll discuss what it means to us and why we think it's so important.

Have you ever felt a knot in your stomach when thinking about your finances? You're not alone. At Point Breeze Credit Union, we believe that financial health is just as important as your physical and emotional well-being. But when we think about our health, financial planning often takes a back seat. Why do you think that is?

Money can be a significant source of stress. Many of us have struggled with it, and often talking about money feels taboo—even among family and friends. There’s a deeply ingrained shame in our culture about discussing money. But this mindset is totally counterproductive!

Developing a healthy relationship with money starts with openness and honesty. By talking about money more often with the people we love, we can support each other and build a stronger network of support in our community. Let’s break down some of the barriers to getting the conversation going.  

Common Concerns When Talking About Money

  1. Feeling Like You Don't Know Enough: Many people feel embarrassed about their financial knowledge (or lack thereof). However, you'd be surprised just how common this can be. Financial literacy rates across the United States are roughly 50%, according to the latest data. Remember, it’s totally normal to be confused sometimes. Others won’t judge you— in fact, they’ll probably have similar questions. Or, if they have knowledge you don’t, it will feel good for them to be able to share.

  2. Fear of Doing Something Wrong: Are you afraid to look at your budget because it might confirm your worst fears? Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. Taking an active role in managing your finances is empowering and may actually reduce your stress. Trust us, it feels great when you put in the work to establish priorities and plans. It lets you save and spend without doubt or guilt.   

  3. Self-Worth and Money: It’s easy to tie self-worth to financial status. But a person’s value isn’t determined by their bank account. We’re all at different stages of our financial journeys, and many people share the same struggles when saving, spending, or investing.   

Tip: Small Steps Matter
Whenever you have a chance to lead by example and show it’s okay to talk about money, take it. Practice makes perfect. Share your uncertainties—it encourages others to do the same.

Our Philosophy

We believe financial wellness is key to a happy and healthy life. Just as someone must consciously consider their diet to properly nourish their body, so too must they consciously consider their finances. By keeping our financial health in the foreground, we can set ourselves on course to achieve our goals and create a balanced, sustainable lifestyle. 

We also believe everyone has their own financial journey. Every individual’s approach to money will be uniquely theirs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution: we must be honest about our financial situation, and be patient enough with ourselves to make rational decisions that will help us realize our goals. 

As a credit union, we believe in the power of community. By fostering a culture of financial honesty among the people we love, we have the opportunity to keep each other accountable, share our knowledge, and uplift one another along the way. It all begins with transparency. Join us as we explore how to talk about money with the people you love.  

Tip: Celebrate Milestones
Did you meet your short-term savings goal? Did you pay down a credit card? Celebrate! Whether by treating yourself to a nice dinner or a mini-vacation, celebrating milestones helps reinforce your habits and build momentum.

Bonus: share your success on social media and encourage others to do the same. 

Point Breeze Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with locations throughout Maryland.